
 ChildD.org was created to provide information on ADHD, Learning Disabilities, academic (the learning/while you are learning) problems, fine motor problems, High Functioning Autism for parents, teachers, and others administrators (principals and those serving students with these unique needs in schools). Those difficulties can cause depression and low self-images without support, can escalate to hikkikomori.  ChildD.org provides hope through the Biblical point of view.  

We always have hope in Jesus Christ.  He is good, and He helps us.  God promises in the Bible that He has a great plan for our lives.  It is good and it gives us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)



 Vision of the ChildD Ministry

  The ChildD Ministry seeks to bridge learning needs with the Gospel and become the avenue to bring information, hope, healing and salvation globally.

 The vision of the ChildD Ministry is to bring God’s Truth to help us destroy the lies that there is no hope.




Mission Statement                        

The mission statement for The ChildD Ministry is to bring hope to the hopeless by providing information on Learning Disabilities and unique learning needs to children, parents, individuals, educators, and organizations as a way introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ.



Mission Objectives


1. To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing information to children, parents and individuals that meets their unique learning needs from the Biblical point of view.

1. 児童・学生、保護者、また個人に対し学習上の配慮・工夫の方法に関する情報を聖書的観点から提供し、イエス・キリストの福音を伝えます。

2. To support educators and organizations with information serving those with Learning Disabilities and unique learning needs through the presentation of speaking engagements, seminars, and the website.

 2. 講演、セミナー、ウェブサイトを通して、学習障害および特別な配慮を必要とする学習者を指導する教育者・教育組織に聖書的観点を分かち合うことにより支援します。

 3. To establish a network of the various organizations that either serve or are involved with Learning Disabled individuals in order to share and support one another in the areas of unique learning needs;

 3. 学習障害を持つ人、また学習時に特別な配慮を必要とする個人が互いに分かち合い、助け合うことができるように、様々な組織間のネットワークづくりをします。

 4. To identify and train indigenous local Christian leaders in the Biblical point of view in regards to Learning Disabilities and unique learning needs.

 4. 各地域のクリスチャンリーダーに、学習障害、また学習時に特別な配慮を必要とすることについて、聖書的観点に基づいたトレーニングを提供します。

 5. To provide information to those in the area of Learning Disabilities and unique learning needs for those who have different religions.

 5. キリスト教以外の信仰を持つ方に対しても、学習障害や学習における特別な配慮の方法の情報提供をします。